Know exactly what is happening in your store with a wealth of live information just one click away.


“For the first time in my retail ‘life’ (I have been doing this for a long time now) I have the ability to access live information. I can see what is happening in my business as it happens. I no longer have to wait for tomorrow to see what happened today.”

Aldo Rossmann


Wouldn’t you like to know what is happening in your store even when you’re not there?

You could be spending time with your family while being in a position to check live figures such as sales, foot count, electronic journal, department turnover, voids, returns and much more.


Comprehensive Online Journal

Yes, it’s all there. Real-time tracking of every single transaction. You can use powerful search and filtering tools to find specific products, cashiers, till slips, descriptions or many other criteria.

Live Cashier Monitoring

You will have access to real-time reporting on voids, returns, time periods between scans and other important analytics. This empowers you to monitor cashier productivity and allows you to identify possible fraudulent transactions early.

Product Information

Product information that is easy to access and useful to make decisions. Know key information like when your first and last of a product is sold in a day, which products sell the most, top departments and product percentage of turnover.


Not Just Today

IntelliView stores data of all transactions for every single trading day from installation, and you have access to it all.

Access to Till Slips

Click on any transaction to see the till slip for that transaction.

Know your Happy Hour

With the Hourly Sales widget, know which hours in your store are your highest and lowest turnover hours.

Today’s Best Seller

Know which of your products sold best today, with Promotions highlighted to make for easy viewing.

How Special are your Specials?

View how much percentage of your total turnover your Promotions are accounting for.

Make the Basket Bigger

Be aware of the average basket size of customers’ spending at your store.

Watch the traffic

With a live foot count, you can know exactly how many customers have shopped at your store today.

Voids and Returns

You are able to see how many voids and returns were put through by each cashier and you can view the void or return receipt for each of them.

Loyalty vs Non-Loyalty

How much percentage do your loyalty members contribute to your turnover? Also, how much more, per customer do your loyalty members spend than non-loyalty members?

How would a change in your loyalty member base affect turnover?

View your potential turnover gain or loss by adjusting our loyalty members’ percentage slider.

Loyalty Top Products

Which products did your loyalty members buy more than any other?

Product Sales Timeline

See when was the first and last time a product was sold in a particular day – this is invaluable information for production departments which helps with planning your production schedule.


IntelliView offers a wide range of live analytics to the store owner or manager in a way that is easy to absorb, rich in information and useful for decisions.


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